The Institute was founded in 1997. Our primary focus is to support research into natural means to achieve and maintain a healthy status. In addition to advocating for such research the Institute has two major programs. First, we publish the open-source Journal of the Institute, a non-peer reviewed Journal of selected scientific papers by credentialed researchers and practitioners. Second, we operate an Institutional Review Board (IRB) which both reviews Research Protocols for compliance with Informed Consent requirements and assists the Principle Investigators (PI) in drafting compliant Protocols. Our X (Twitter) Account: @InstHeRe.
Supporting the Institute

The Goals of the Institution
As set forth in the Certificate of Incorporation of the Institute, the Goals of the Institute are: “I. To establish a central information resource center covering the full range of studies, protocols, breakthroughs and information on dietary supplement nutrients and their role in human health maintenance and possible disease control. “II. Create a basic support and information source on natural products heretofore mainly overlooked and/or neglected. “III. To provide to the community information, in the form of releases, seminars, newsletter, counseling, information programs and other media on natural products, dietary supplements, human health maintenance and disease control.”
FDA Lawsuit Against Natural Solutions Foundation Settled
Read the Important Announcement and the Court Decree Here:
Support Natural Therapies
OCTOBER 21, 2022: Health and Freedom Luncheon: The Woodlands Country Club, Archive:
Speakers: Rima E. Laibow MD, Ed Group, DC, Ralph Fucetola JD and Larry Deckerhoff
2020 Announcement:
Live Stream ARCHIVE Here:
Read more here:
Summit [4+ Hrs, 8 Podcasts – Expert Analysis of Pandemic]
On Holding the Light in a Time of Declared Plague
A Message from the President of the Institute
Our Fundly Crowd Funding Page:
Or Donate Here: Your PayPal Receipt is Your Tax Receipt
[1] Programs of the Institute: Currently sponsoring two major ongoing programs: (1) The Journal of the Institute and (2) Institute IRB. See drop-down menu for details.
[2] ASD Clinical Trial: This project was a dietary supplement medical food clinical trial involving Autism Spectrum Disorders. More here:
[3] Litigation:
We have supported, and continue to support, several lawsuits testing the limits of medical mandates and supporting the universal right of Informed Consent. More details at our Crowd Funding site:
ACA Litigation: This litigation raised issues involving the Affordable Care Act to forbid insurance carrier discrimination against holistic and integrative practitioners, permitting proper insurance coding for such therapies. The case was settled between the parties in February 2020.
From the standpoint of the Mission of the Institute, this change would facilitate retrospective research into holistic and integrative modalities (through coding statistics).
December Case Update: Victory in SJM –
November Case Report:
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To make a significant tax-deductible gift, bequest or donation,
please email the Institute President:
Support Our Crowdfunding Program:
History and Strategic Alliance
The Institute of Health Research, Inc. (IHR) is an exempt not for profit corporation that was duly filed with the State of New Jersey on April 11, 1997. It is a secular and non-political internet institution. By letter dated March 17, 1998, the Internal Revenue Service recognized the exempt status of the Institute, Federal Exempt Organization No. 22-3535740. Donations to the Institute are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.
The original trustees of the Institute were Karen Horbatt, President, Richard Podel, MD and Ralph Fucetola JD. The current trustees are Karen Horbatt, Chairperson Emeritus, Ralph Fucetola JD, President, Hope Pantasis, Rima E. Laibow MD. The late Maj. Gen. (US Army, ret.) Albert N. Stubblebine III also served as a Trustee.
By Strategic Alliance Agreement dated January 1, 2015 the Institute and the Natural Solutions Foundation entered into a Strategic Alliance, stating,
“Whereas the Trustees and others involved have had cordial, collegial relations for a number of years, with compatible expressive association communications and programs, now therefore the Board of Trustees of each NGO… separately and unanimously adopt this Resolution of Strategic Alliance…. They shall continue to be operated as separate entities…. To the greatest practical extent the operations and programs of the two NGOs, within the permitted scope of each, shall be coordinated…. Funds may be accepted into either of the NGOs as appropriate, with appropriate donation or other receipts issued…”
The Mission of Natural Solutions Foundation, established in 2004, is to “Discover, Develop, Demonstrate, Document and Disseminate Naturral Solutions to pressing social concerns.”
See this blog entry for further details regarding the Strategic Alliance: