IHR Journal 2020

IHR Journal 2020 Edition

Nutrient Silver Safety and Efficacy White Paper

Throughout the centuries and into today, silver in various forms has been used to benefit mankind. Being “born with a silver spoon…” was always a good thing.

Some cultures added powdered silver to a newborn’s first bath as protection against a harsh world. Milk farmers used a silver coin in the pail used to collect milk, because they found that the raw milk could thus remain unrefrigerated for hours without spoiling.

Similarly, our early settlers would often throw silver dollars into their wells or water barrels to keep the water potable. In days of old, they did not know why silver made such a difference in their lives; but they knew that it did make a positive difference in their lives, when it was used in these ways.

Modern science now explains why these ancient practices were effective; it also shows that even in modern-times, silver has many uses that support our healthy well-being. Numerous tests at major universities and commercial labs like Kansas State, UC Davis, Brigham Young University have proven the effectiveness of nutrient silver to support a healthy immune system.

The US Government Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DRTA) sponsored in vitro study, declassified in 2009, showed that Nano Silver 10 PPM elegantly supported normal cell membrane integrity in the face of virulent hemorrhagic viruses and coronaviruses.

Link to White Paper: https://inhere.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/IHR-SilverSafetyWhitePaper.pdf

Authors: Rima E. Laibow, MD is a licensed New York physician and psychiatrist who is the Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation – www.DrRimaTruthReports.com. Ralph Fucetola, JD is a retired New Jersey attorney at law, President of the Institute for Health Research – www.InHeRe.org and a Trustee of the Natural Solutions Foundation.

Authors: Rima E. Laibow, MD is a licensed New York physician and psychiatrist who is the Medical Director of the Natural Solutions Foundation – www.DrRimaTruthReports.com. Ralph Fucetola, JD is a retired New Jersey attorney at law, President of the Institute for Health Research – www.InHeRe.org and a Trustee of the Natural Solutions Foundation. D

Merck’s History of Crimes and Misdemeanors

Richard Gale and Gary Null, ND

ABSTRACT: Evidence presented shows that Iatrogenic Medicine (medical error) is a major cause of death.  Now evidence gathered by the authors shows that one international drug company appears to have contributed greatly to this toll, through the provision of medically prescribed, FDA approved drugs to the health care system.  This article is the opinion of its authors and not necessarily that of the publisher.


Frequency and Respiratory Vulnerability

ABSTRACT: Metabolic Syndrome is playing an important part in the recent surge of apparently unrelated/unexplained health complaints involving respiratory issues. The ongoing BioAcoustic research surrounding many aspects of the Corona Declared Pandemic symptoms and outcomes has led to an exciting basic understanding as to a probable cause of Corona conflicts.

People who are hit hard with Corona Symptoms also seem to have high BioAcoustic Radiation poisoning ratings. Question: Did previous radiation damage to human cells make cells more vulnerable to this Corona

Sharry Edwards, MEd.


Federal Communications Commission Comments
Institute President Submits Public Comments


ABSTRACT: Comments submitted on 7 August 2020 by Ralph Fucetola JD with reference to the Department of Commerce’s Federal Communications Commission Petition #11862 of 27 July 2020 seeking clarification of provisions of 47 U.S.C § 230.
— Acknowledging the recent actions of Twitter and Facebook to ban speech by President Trump allegedly determined to be “false” by “third party fact checkers” I am submitting these comments as a retired attorney at law with 36 years of practice.
— I am concerned with the actions of various social media companies in “banning” [a term that reminds me of the evils of Apartheid] various persons, including President Trump, for political speech.
— The apparent coordinated “bannings” of various speakers, including, for example Alex Jones (who was banned by several social media companies during one 24 hour period in late September, 2018) suggests unlawful conspiracy by the companies in their use of the Internet Public Utility or Public Commons.
