IHR Journal 2018

IHR Journal 2018 Edition

[9] Autism and Natural Health
Rima E. Laibow, MD

Abstract:   Rima E. Laibow, MD addresses, from her nearly half century of clinical experience as a psychologist and physician, the profound disorder of autism. This paper expresses Dr. Rima’s view of the autism tragedy and the autism spectrum.  She reviews the toxic environment that leads to the disorder and she establishes the necessary conditions for the development of therapies to address autism and its cure.  She concludes:Even if every external cause of autism, including vaccination and toxic chemicals, were to vanish from our world tomorrow, the autistic casualties of their use would not similarly vanish.  We have among us millions and millions of chemically and vaccine damaged individuals, often then further damaged by drugs and more chemicals. And yet, do they not deserve our compassionate care?


[10] Comments to FDA at Regulations.gov on Homeopathy Guidance
Rima E. Laibow, MD and Ralph Fucetola JD

In re: Drug Products Labeled as Homeopathic        }           COMMENTS REGARDING
Draft Guidance for Food and Drug                                }           FDA GUIDANCE
Administration Staff and Industry                               }           FDA Docket FDA-2017-D-6580

Abstract:   Rima E. Laibow, MD and Ralph Fuctola JD comment on the proposed FDA Guidance at Regulations.gov


[11] Where There Is Risk There Must Be Choice
Vaccine Safety Analysis White Paper
Rima E. Laibow, MD and Ralph Fucetola JD

Abstract: The Natural Solutions Foundation and the Institute for Health Research have prepared this public policy briefing dossier on whether vaccines rest on “settled science” or, indeed, on any science, including Pharmaceutical Industry claims supporting the alleged, and allegedly proven, safety and effectiveness of Vaccines.

The information presented must be viewed in the context of the 1986 legislation[1] requiring every vaccine to undergo rigorous, scientifically valid testing to assure BOTH its safety and efficacy before approval and deployment in the US.  It must also be viewed against the reality that not one single vaccine has ever been so tested, evaluated and cleared for EITHER its safety or its efficacy.

This White Paper addresses the critically important question of vaccine safety and offers Public Policy Recommendations in conformity with both approved scientific methodology and legal requirements. Those recommendations include a call for a Global Vaccine Moratorium.